Times New Roman Cyr Bold

Penilaian jenis huruf Times New Roman Cyr Bold: 4.15 13 5

Huruf Latin

Huruf Serif

Di halaman ini, Anda dapat mengunduh Times New Roman Cyr Bold jenis huruf versi Version 1.0 - October 1992, yang termasuk keluarga produsen Huruf Times New Roman Cyr (Bold tracing). Produsen font Times-New-Roman-Cyr-Bold. Unduh Times New Roman Cyr Bold secara gratis di id.GetFonts.net. Jenis huruf ini termasuk kategori berikut: huruf latin, huruf serif. Ukuran huruf - hanya 79 Kb

Jenis huruf Times New Roman Cyr Bold
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Hak cipta Times New Roman Cyrillic © The Monotype Corporation plc. Data © The Monotype Corporation plc, Type Solutions Inc 1990 - 1992. All Rights Reserved.
Keluarga Times New Roman Cyr
Menelusur Bold
Identitas Monotype:Times New Roman Cyr Bold:version1(Microsoft)
Nama lengkap Times New Roman Cyr Bold
Versi Version 1.0 - October 1992
Nama PostScript TimesNRCyrMT-Bold
Pabrikan Times-New-Roman-Cyr-Bold
Ukuran 79 Kb
Merek dagang Times New Roman Cyrillic ® Trademark of The Monotype Corporation plc registered in the US Pat & TM Off. and elsewhere.

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