Di halaman ini, Anda dapat mengunduh SF Slapstick Comic jenis huruf versi ver 1.0; 2000. Freeware for non-commercial use., yang termasuk keluarga produsen Huruf SF Slapstick Comic (Regular tracing). Desainer - ShyFonts Type Foundry (untuk komunikasi, gunakan alamat berikut: http://www.shyfonts.com/). Unduh SF Slapstick Comic secara gratis di id.GetFonts.net. Jenis huruf ini termasuk kategori berikut: bouncy, casual, humorous. Ukuran huruf - hanya 25 Kb
Keluarga | SF Slapstick Comic |
Menelusur | Regular |
Identitas | ShyFontsTypeFoundry: SF Slapstick Comic: 2000 |
Nama lengkap | SF Slapstick Comic |
Versi | ver 1.0; 2000. Freeware for non-commercial use. |
Nama PostScript | SFSlapstickComic |
Ukuran | 25 Kb |
Merek dagang | SF Slapstick Comic is a trademark of the ShyFonts Type Foundry. |
Desainer | ShyFonts Type Foundry |
URL desainer | http://www.shyfonts.com/ |
URL penyedia | http://www.shyfonts.com/ |
Deskripsi Lisensi | By downloading this font package you agree to the following terms of use: - This FONT PACKAGE is freeware. - This FONT PACKAGE may be distributed ONLY via the Internet for FREE. Under NO circumstances may this FONT PACKAGE be sold for a profit nor be included as part of another product or CD-ROM compilation. If you wish to include this FONT PACKAGE for FREE distribution on your Web Site, please include all of the fonts and original documentation supplied with this FONT PACKAGE. - You may install and use this FONT PACKAGE on an unlimited amount of machines. - You may NOT rename, edit, or create any alternate variations of the fonts included in this FONT PACKAGE. - This FONT PACKAGE comes "as is" with NO warranty whatsoever. SHYFONTS accepts NO responsibility for any damages or loss of any kind due to the use of this FONT PACKAGE. The use of this FONT PACKAGE is solely your responsibility -- you use this FONT PACKAGE at your own risk. - Enjoy the fonts! If you have any question regarding this document or the usage of this font package, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you for downloading this font package and enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ©2001 ShyFonts Type Foundry -- http://www.shyfonts.com |
Anda dapat menghubungkan jenis huruf SF Slapstick Comic ke situs Anda, tanpa mengunduhnya dari server kami. Yang perlu Anda lakukan - adalah mengikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:
Pilih opsi yang paling cocok untuk memasang jenis huruf dan menambahkan kode ini ke situs Anda (rekatkan tepat setelah membuka tag <head>):
<link href="https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=slapstick-comic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=slapstick-comic);
Aktifkan jenis huruf untuk teks dalam CSS Anda:
font-family: 'SF Slapstick Comic', arial;
Sampel kode sumber:
<html> <head> <link href="https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=slapstick-comic" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'SF Slapstick Comic', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with SF Slapstick Comic!</div> </body> </html>
Anda dapat menerapkan gaya dan CSS yang berbeda, dengan menggunakan pustaka efek kami, agar tampilan situs Anda menarik dan berbeda.
Keluarga: SF Slapstick Comic
Menelusur: Bold Oblique
Ukuran: 23 Kb