Di halaman ini, Anda dapat mengunduh MeninBlue jenis huruf versi version: 001.003.098 3/4/98, yang termasuk keluarga produsen Huruf MeninBlue (Regular tracing). Produsen font MeninBlue. Desainer - Steve Tune (untuk komunikasi, gunakan alamat berikut: mailto:[email protected]). Unduh MeninBlue secara gratis di id.GetFonts.net. Jenis huruf ini termasuk kategori berikut: huruf latin, huruf lcd. Ukuran huruf - hanya 54 Kb
Hak cipta | Copyright © Digital Empires Inc. 1998 All rights reserved |
Keluarga | MeninBlue |
Menelusur | Regular |
Identitas | Men in Blue |
Nama lengkap | MeninBlue |
Versi | version: 001.003.098 3/4/98 |
Nama PostScript | MeninBlue |
Pabrikan | MeninBlue |
Ukuran | 54 Kb |
Merek dagang | © Digital Empires Inc. 1998. Portions copyrighted Steve Tune 1998 |
Desainer | Steve Tune |
URL desainer | mailto:[email protected] |
URL penyedia | http://www.digitalempires.com |
Deskripsi | Shareware/donationware This is a shareware/donationware font created by Steve Tune of Digital Empires. It is an original work not derived from any copyrighted work that I know of!. The font is complete as is and you may use it. I have put a lot of effort into creating new and original fonts and would like to know if you like it. So email me at [email protected] If you feel a sense of guilt, keep it, I would like to see people give or donate without pressure. I am providing these font as a reminder that the net has given alot and I want to give a little back. So much for the socialy impaired mind I have. I do need some money to keep me encouraged to do more fonts. So, don't feel guilty and don't procrastinate and send in your small contribution and there will be more font for the taking! TX Mailing Address: Digital Empires C/O Steve Tune 1825 the Oaks Blvd Kissimmee, FL 34746 |
Anda dapat menghubungkan jenis huruf MeninBlue ke situs Anda, tanpa mengunduhnya dari server kami. Yang perlu Anda lakukan - adalah mengikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:
Pilih opsi yang paling cocok untuk memasang jenis huruf dan menambahkan kode ini ke situs Anda (rekatkan tepat setelah membuka tag <head>):
<link href="https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=meninblue" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=meninblue);
Aktifkan jenis huruf untuk teks dalam CSS Anda:
font-family: 'MeninBlue', arial;
Sampel kode sumber:
<html> <head> <link href="https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=meninblue" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'MeninBlue', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with MeninBlue!</div> </body> </html>
Anda dapat menerapkan gaya dan CSS yang berbeda, dengan menggunakan pustaka efek kami, agar tampilan situs Anda menarik dan berbeda.