Di halaman ini, Anda dapat mengunduh Gapstown AH Bold jenis huruf versi Version 1.10, yang termasuk keluarga produsen Huruf Gapstown AH (Bold tracing). Produsen font Gapstown-AH-Bold. Desainer - Andreas Höfeld (untuk komunikasi, gunakan alamat berikut: mailto:[email protected]). Unduh Gapstown AH Bold secara gratis di id.GetFonts.net. Jenis huruf ini termasuk kategori berikut: huruf bebas, huruf hiasan, huruf latin. Ukuran huruf - hanya 60 Kb
Hak cipta | (c) 2002 Fontgrube AH |
Keluarga | Gapstown AH |
Menelusur | Bold |
Identitas | Fontgrube: Gapstown |
Nama lengkap | Gapstown AH Bold |
Versi | Version 1.10 |
Nama PostScript | GapstownAHBold |
Pabrikan | Gapstown-AH-Bold |
Ukuran | 60 Kb |
Merek dagang | www.fontgrube.gmxhome.de |
Desainer | Andreas Höfeld |
URL desainer | mailto:[email protected] |
URL penyedia | http://www.fontgrube.gmxhome.de |
Deskripsi | This is a hand printing font for those who do not need or want the artificial evenness of Comic Sans, Tekton or the like. Gapstown contains a full ISO 8859-1 character set, you can write most western European languages with it. 193 manually edited kerning pairs add to the quality of this font. |
Deskripsi Lisensi | You may use this font for personal private as well as commercial purposes free of charge. You may not own it or sell it. You may pass it on as long as you - do not charge any money for it - pass it on together with its readme file Gapstown.txt (best to pass on the zip file containing both font and text) You may put it on your website under the same conditions. Please send me a mail if you do so. You may even alter this font or make variations of it, but you are not permitted to pass those on or publish them without my consent. |
Anda dapat menghubungkan jenis huruf Gapstown AH Bold ke situs Anda, tanpa mengunduhnya dari server kami. Yang perlu Anda lakukan - adalah mengikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:
Pilih opsi yang paling cocok untuk memasang jenis huruf dan menambahkan kode ini ke situs Anda (rekatkan tepat setelah membuka tag <head>):
<link href="https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=gapstown-ah-bold" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
@import url(https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=gapstown-ah-bold);
Aktifkan jenis huruf untuk teks dalam CSS Anda:
font-family: 'Gapstown AH Bold', arial;
Sampel kode sumber:
<html> <head> <link href="https://id.getfonts.net/allfont.css?fonts=gapstown-ah-bold" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style>body {font-family : 'Gapstown AH Bold', arial;font-size : 48px;text-shadow : 4px 4px 4px #aaa; } </style> </head> <body> <div>Making the Web Beautiful with Gapstown AH Bold!</div> </body> </html>
Anda dapat menerapkan gaya dan CSS yang berbeda, dengan menggunakan pustaka efek kami, agar tampilan situs Anda menarik dan berbeda.